Deferred Disposition
The court may, at its sole discretion, grant defer disposition on your case. The fine must be paid in full, in addition to a $75 deferral fee. If you complete the required terms, the case is dismissed at the end of a period of 90 days.
You may request deferred disposition for:
Moving violations & you were not charged with driving 25 miles or more over the speed limit
You were not driving over 95 miles per hour
You do not have a CDL license
You are not currently on deferred disposition with this court
You were not charged with speeding in a construction zone
Note: If you are under the age of 25, you will be required to turn in a certificate showing you completed a Texas Driver's Safety Course during your 90 day deferral period.
If you request deferred disposition and the court approves it, you will be placed on a probationary period for 90 days in the City of Bells. At the end of the 90 day period if you have not received any additional citations your case will be dismissed and never reported to your driver’s record. If you receive an additional citation during your deferral period you will be required to appear at a show cause hearing to speak with the judge. If you fail to appear at the show cause hearing both citations will be reported as convictions on your driver’s record.
Forms below
you can email your forms to